Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Compare and Contrast Essay

Compare and Contrast Essay
Slavery is the practice of a system based on using the enforced labor of other people. Slaves are live in poor conditions, forced to do the hard labor in, example, plantations were they receive no pay, beatings and whippings are regular. Owners have no sense of morality or equality for the human beings they enslaved.  They’re just property and possessions to the slaveholders that do their hard labor for no cost. This inhuman act was thought to have ended a long time but still continues today all over the world. The slavery back in the times of exploration is similar but different form the slavery of today.
            Today, slavery continues in every country of the world except Greenland even though the practice is illegal. Well that can’t be right because the United States is the land of the free and we banned the practice of slavery a long time ago, well that’s partly false. In the U.S. slavery still continues, people are forced in the U.S. by company owners or by other people even children to work in poor conditions and without any pay. In countries filled with poverty people are fooled by others into slavery for example; a man goes walks up to a family under poverty or a homeless person telling them if they want a job. Then those who were fooled are taken to a plantation or a work place by plane, train, automobile, and boats to do hard labor without any pay. The United Nations is trying to stop this practice from continuing. Thankfully there is a smaller percentage of slavery then from the practice of African slavery. An advance in technology has decreased the need for labor. It is hard to believe that an inhuman act such as this continues to this very day but its true and men, women, and children are slaves in most countries all over the world.
            Even though slave from the past and the present are different in many ways both have something in common with one another. Some slaves still do come from Africa to this day just like in the age of exploration and America colonization. Slavery is still a practice to this day and was a common practice then to do the hard labors needed to be done. Ships are still used to transport the slaves to other countries just like the transportation back then in small transport ship. The people who are enslaved are forced to live in poor conditions, many die because this. Along with poor conditions, slaves died by severe beatings and whippings that were commonly given out. Men, women, even children became slaves doing the hard work and dying under the harsh conditions with no pay. The two ages of slavery are much similar as they are different no matter what race or country.
            In the European age of exploration African slavery began in Portugal when they discovered life in Africa. Soon it spread to all the nations of Europe because of the need for cheap labor to do the hard labor in the European colonies. The first slaves were Natives but they died from disease and escaped from the plantations. The percentage of slaves is much higher in this age than in the modern day. Slavery was accepted as a common practice and was “legal” and was an economical need. Slavery was limited because the world was still forming into the modern world it is today and there weren’t many colonies and land conquered at that time. Slaves then were bought and sold for goods and were brought to the Americas called the Atlantic Slave Trade. Slavery then was accepted in everyday society and was a more of a business trade that what it is today.
            Back then slavery was a trade and a business, today slavery is an illegal practice. No matter what the time line slavery will still mean the same. The wickedness and inhuman of slavery divides people and destroys the lives of thousands every day.  Slavery may still continue on for a long time and may never be extinguished from humanity but if we want change in the world we all must do are part to make it a better place. I ask you the readers what will you do to help make this illegal practice be completely terminated form humanity?

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